Research Overview
The Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) is a program providing unconditional cash transfers to unhoused people living in Denver. The aims of the program are to test the feasibility and impact of guaranteed income for unhoused people.
DBIP’s research is headed by the University of Denver’s Center for Housing and Homelessness Research. Our study uses a mixed methods randomized controlled trial (RCT) designed to test the impact of receiving a guaranteed basic income compared to receiving typical care and services.
Participants were placed randomly into one of three payment groups within the study:
Group A participants received 12 monthly cash payments of $1,000 for a total of $12,000 over 12 months.
Group B participants received an initial direct cash payment of $6,500 and will receive 11 monthly payments of $500 for a total of $12,000 over 12 months.
Group C participants received 12 monthly cash payments of $50 for a total of $600 over 12 months.
Year One Research Report Results
Groundbreaking findings…
All payment groups showed significant improvements in housing outcomes, including a remarkable increase in home rent and ownership, and decrease in nights spent unsheltered.
Participants reported positive shifts in financial wellbeing, with an increase in financial stability and a greater ability to pay bills and reduced reliance on emergency assistance.
Additional data analysis reveals that DBIP participation is tied to substantial cost savings in public spending and a large reduction in public service utilization, including emergency room visits, hospital nights, and jail stays.
“The most impact it had on me was a promising future, versus before, it wasn’t looking so good. [...] It’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and before, I was kinda lost. It just really gave me some hope.”
Denver Basic Income Participant
DBIP Year One Research Executive Summary
Executive summary of the findings of the full year one research report.
DBIP Year One Qualitative Research Report
Full report of the qualitative findings of year one of the Denver Basic Income Project.
DBIP Year One Quantitative Research Report
Full report of the quantitative findings of year one of the Denver Basic Income Project.
DBIP Interim Quantitative Report - One Pager
One page overview of the quantitative findings at the 6-month mark in our study.
DBIP Interim Quantitative Report
Full report of the quantitative findings at the 6-month mark in our study.
Denver Basic Income Project Research Methods
Learn about the full research design of DBIP’s RCT.
DBIP Interim Qualitative Report
The qualitative findings at the 6-month mark in our study.
DBIP Soft Launch 2.0 Qualitative Findings Report
The qualitative findings of our second “soft launch” cohort.
Denver Basic Income Project Inclusion Criteria Overview
Learn about the criteria necessary for participants to be considered for the project.