Participant Stories

We all have a story to tell.

The participants of the Denver Basic Income Project are courageously sharing theirs with you, in hopes that the world can better visualize the transformational power of guaranteed income.

Kelly Sunshine
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Kelly Sunshine

Kelly is a Group C participant who runs a boutique catering service.

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Mark Gaskin
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Mark Gaskin

One of the first DBIP participants, Mark was able to pay off his car and purchase a trailer.

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Moriah Rodriguez
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Moriah Rodriguez

Since becoming a DBIP participant, Moriah Rodriguez has advocated for guaranteed income to legislators in D.C.

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Jolene Jachetta
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Jolene Jachetta

Jolene Jachetta has been a DBIP participant since 2022. She’s used the money to get an apartment for her family, purchase Christmas gifts for her children, and improve her credit score.

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Roman Anthony Monjarez
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Roman Anthony Monjarez

Roman was able to use the funds from the Denver Basic Income Project to feed his children and drive his wife to work.

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Eleanor Cepero-Percy
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Eleanor Cepero-Percy

Eleanor Cepero-Percy moved to Colorado in 1980. She found the Denver Basic Income Project after spending three years being houseless.

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Kenny Lee
Aaron Butwinick Aaron Butwinick

Kenny Lee

Kenny Lee recently got out of a 31-year prison sentence, a challenging period compounded by a diagnosis of cancer. Reentering society at 65 years old was not an easy feat. However, after receiving funds from the Denver Basic Income Project, Lee found crucial support during this transition.

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Jarun Laws
Gwen Battis Gwen Battis

Jarun Laws

A cook and father, Jarun Laws worked multiple full-time jobs and still couldn’t afford to meet all of his basic needs and provide for his children. Denver Basic Income Project funds helped him secure housing and get back on track at a low point in his life.

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Dia Broncucia
Gwen Battis Gwen Battis

Dia Broncucia

Dia was diagnosed with breast cancer just two years prior to getting into Denver Basic Income Project. Her journey through homelessness while undergoing cancer treatment was made much easier and “life-changing” with the help of guaranteed income.

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Lorinda Gill
Gwen Battis Gwen Battis

Lorinda Gill

Lorinda's experience with the program extended beyond financial aid, instilling in her a sense of purpose, freedom, and security. The funds allowed her to establish her pet sitting business, obtain insurance, and embark on advertising efforts crucial to her company’s growth.

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